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About Group of companies "LPM"

LPM (short for "Light Positive Management) is a Russian industrial engineering company that has been active on the Russian market since 2003. We specialize in development, design and distribution of power equipment and supplies including our own brand of products under the LPM trademark. LPM has extensive experience selling, distributing, and supporting power systems. All our employees have more 20 years experience working with power systems. Many companies of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries use our reliable technical assistance and support. 

We offer a wide range of power equipment and supplies including:


Among our valued partners/suppliers are many of largest power equipment companies such as:

Several large Russian and CIS companies in telecom, industrial, financial, oil & gas markets are part of our customer base such as: MTS (one of the biggest GSM/UMTS-operator in CIS), Beeline (one of the biggest GSM/UMTS-operator in CIS), Megafon (one of the biggest GSM/UMTS-operator in RF), SMARTS (the biggest Russian regional GSM–operator), companies of Svyazinvest (the largest telecommunications holding in RF), COMSTAR-UTS Group (fixed and internet services and WiMax) Russian Railways (monopoly), Rosneft (the biggest oil & gas company in RF), GazProm (one of the biggest oil & gas company in Russia), SurgutNefteGas (on of the biggest oil & gas company in Russia), Electricity Generation Companies by RAO UES of Russia, CityBank, VneshEconomBank, Barclays Capital, and Renaissance Capital Bank.

Please feel free to contact with us info@lpm.su or tel. +7 (495) 788 34 81.
